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MTM Science day, Leuven, Belgium
(November, 2024)

Part of the group presenting at the Conference on Functional Materials Engineering, Diepenbeek, Belgium (October, 2024)

Part of the group presenting at the International Conference on Flexible & Printed Electronic,
Taipei, Taiwan (August, 2024)

Yuan's public Ph.D. thesis defense (August, 2024)

Isidro presenting at the MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit in Seattle, Washington, USA (April, 2024)

Yuan delivering a presentation at the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA (December 2023)

Part of the group in European Synchrotron at Grenoble, France (May, November, 2023)

Hasan presenting at International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC), San Jose, USA ( August 2023)

Part of the group presenting the MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit in San Francisco, USA (April, 2023)

Part of the group in the CIMTEC 2022 Forum on New Materials Perugia, Italy (June 2022)

Part of the group in the DUBBLE synchrotron facilities at ESRF in Grenoble, France (Spring 2022)

The team in the old chemistry lab (Fall 2020)
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