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Welcome to the FMolina-Lopez research group website!

The FMolina-Lopez Research Lab team is working on the development of printed, flexible/stretchable/soft hybrid organic-inorganic electronic materials. Our vision is to develop new materials and processes to enable harvesting and storing energy from large-area and curved surfaces and develop mechanically conformal sensors and actuators. The focus is on the connecting line that spans from fundamentals to applications such as autonomous systems for wearables, soft robotics, and the IoT.



  • Jan. 2025 Our new review on hybrid functional stretchable materials is finally out in Materials Science & Engineering: R! This work is intended to be a guide for engineers to design their hybrid stretchable sensors and energy devices. Congratulations to the two first co-authors: Altynay and Viktor.

  • Altynay has been awarded the prestigious MSCA European Postdoc Fellowship to work on skin-compatible substrates for thermoelectrics. Congratulations!

  • Jan. 2024. Our recent work in laser-printed flexible inorganic thermoelectrics has been highlighted by KU Leuven News (link here)!

  • Dec. 2023. Congratulations to Yuan, Isidro, and the other co-author for getting their last work on laser-printed ultra-flexible inorganic thermoelectrics published in Advanced Materials... And it is now part of the series Rising Stars, dedicated to celebrating research from early career investigators.

  • Dec. 2021. Our research topic, Printed and Flexible Thermoelectrics, has been highlighted by the journal Matter (Cell Press) as one of the 35 challenges in materials science being tackled by PIs under 35(ish) in 2021! Check the article here.

  • Mar. 2021. Anisotropy in printed thermoelectric materials can make a big difference! Check here our latest review about it in Nanoscale.

  • Prof. Zhenan Bao from Stanford University is one of the 2021 KU Leuven honorary doctors. She was nominated by Francisco. Congrats Zhenan! See the official intro and interview video here.​​​

  • Sept. 2020. Francisco got awarded the ERC starting grant to work on the project 3D ALIGN: Enhancing the performance of 3D-printed organic thermoelectrics by electric field-assisted molecular alignment. ​


To be announced soon!

 2024 MRS Fall Meeting, 1-6 Dec 2024 (Boston, USA): Francisco is organizing Symposium EN09-Innovations in Materials and Processes for Printed, Flexible and Stretchable Energy-autonomous Sensing Systems. The group will be there. Hasan and Bokai will be presenting their work. Join us at the main conference of Materials Science in the world.

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Department of Materials Engineering (MTM)

© 2021 by F. Molina-Lopez

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